Saudi Riyal to PKR, SAR to PKR Rates in Pakistan
The buying rate of 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR was Rs 41.39 and selling rate of 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR was Rs 41.62 in the open market.
Below are the rates of the last seven days for the Saudi Riyal in the open market compared to the Pakistani Rupee.
Date | Symbol | Buying | Selling |
14 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.39 | 41.62 |
13 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.20 | 41.50 |
12 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.39 | 41.62 |
11 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.46 | 41.60 |
9 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.42 | 41.65 |
8 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.42 | 41.65 |
7 November 2019 | SAR to PKR | 41.42 | 41.65 |