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PTA and PKNIC Join Hands to Promote Local Language Contents on Internet

PKNIC and PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) has launched a joint initiative for the promotion of local language content over the Internet. The PTA press release can be found at pta.gov.pk

PKNIC is donating 5000 Free domains for those who create a Local Content website (Urdu or local language). These 5000 domains will be available on a first come first served basis, and one of the main requirements will be a working or demonstrative local content website (e.g. Urdu) of value to public interest or education.

The free domains are co-sponsored by U4U.COM, which is the largest legal repository of Urdu Literature (over half million pages). PKNIC and its principals have a long history of Urdu computing development (since the world’s first public Urdu word processor in 1982 by Mr Ashar Nisar).

PKNIC will also make an effort to co-sponsor the hosting of as many of these local content websites as possible. Other initiative in the local content drive will be the sponsorship for open source software tools for Urdu web presence development. PKNIC will fund competitions to create these software tools among local software developers.

How to Apply For Free Domains

Please send the following to PKNIC

1)     Title and summary of local content

2)     Language for the local content

3)     Purpose of the proposed local content website in less than 100 words

4)     Copy of NIC card

Please mark the envelope .Local Content. and send to:


Suite# 323, Third Floor,
Saddique Trade Center,
Main Boulevard, Gulberg
Lahore. Pakistan

Approved content will be issued a registration code that they can use to register a Free Domain of their choice based on availability and compliance, as per the terms and conditions of Local Content.pknic

Terms and Conditions for Local Content Free Domains

1.      Local Content Free Domains (.Free Domains.) will be licensed without any charge, fee or any processing fee.

2.      Each Free Domain must maintain an active website for that domain whose content must be exclusively in a local language of Pakistan (other than English). English text, if used, must be kept to absolute minimum.

3.      PKNIC, or its designated review team, will review the websites for Free Domains from time to time and may suspend or revoke a Free Domain if the content or the domain is found in no-compliance, with or without notice, depending on the severity of the compliance issue.

4.      Free Domains will be allotted for a period of two years and may be extended for another two years based on the quality of website as per PKINC discretion.

5.      Free Domains will be property of PKNIC and may be suspended and revoked at any time without notice if the website or host using the free domain is not compliant to the terms and conditions or the quality of the local content does not meet the criteria of useful local content. Revoked Free Domains may be made available to other users after a long hold period of six months.

6.      All standard domain registration policy terms and conditions apply to Free Domains, in addition to the terms and conditions of Local Content Free Domains.

7.      The licensee of a Free Domain has the right to purchase the domain at any time and then the local content terms and conditions do not apply to their purchased domain anymore. Only the standard domain compliance policy will apply to such purchased domains.

8.      Free Domains will be available under special namespace reserved for these domains (and not under standard suffixes such as .COM.PK, .EDU.PK, .PK etc).

9.      No user advertisement is allowed for any web pages or services hosted by Free Domains. Special permission may be granted for allowing ads to reward local content websites that are of high quality and value for public.

10.   No web space is included. For selected content, free hosting may be offered by affiliates and co-sponsors. They may have some requirements such as sponsorship link etc of their own.

11.   The criteria for indecent material profanity etc may be more conservative when applied to Free Domains content, compared to the standard compliance policy.

12.   Free Domains are not transferrable and cannot be offered for sale or re-sale by the licensee.

13.   NIC ID Card is required for licensing a Free Domain. Foreign nationals may apply through a local partner.

14.   Only one Free Domain per licensee NIC card. For useful content exception may be allowed for multiple Free Domains per person based on the quality of local content.

15.   Free Domains must not be used for any other hosting purpose other than the local content website. All other services including but not limited to BitTorrent, File Servers, FTP, DNS servers, etc are disallowed unless are absolutely required for the operation of Free Domain website and are done exclusively for the local content website.

16.   The above terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.